New Defect Management Software for Construction Industry

Matt Perrott
Published on
January 5, 2023

Log a defect in seconds

Skip the scribbled notes and follow up texts, with BuildPass workers can log a defect with ease. Simply open the Defects module, add a photo, description and then assign the task!

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Introducing the brand new Defect Management module


BuildPass is proud to announce the release of the Defect Management module! It's designed to drastically simplify the process of capturing, recording, and tracking defects on any project. Quickly snap photos of multiple defects, prioritise, and assign all on site with any device.

Quickly Capture, Record and Track Defects

The Defecting Module for BuildPass offers builders an invaluable tool for quickly and accurately capturing multiple defects on their phones while they are onsite.

You can quickly add a location, priority, due date and assignees to each defect.

Seamlessly Edit Defect Information


Once defects have been added on your phone, it's also really easy to edit them at your computer. This means you don't have to waste time finalising the details while walking around site.

Simply open your computer and fix up the defect details before sending them out.

Filter and action defects

You can also filter through defects, choose which ones require action, and assignees are then notified via email with all the details, allowing them to view more information.

Assignees are then notified via email and able to view more details without logging in

Generate Reports


Finally, you can generate PDF reports that can be shared and downloaded. This makes it easier for builders to keep their records up to date and provides a convenient way to share and collaborate on any project.



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