Our Partnership with Master Builders Victoria

Aaron Vanston
Published on
March 13, 2024

BuildPass x Master Builders Victoria

We place great importance in supporting organisations that drive safety and standards in the building industry and are proud to continue our partnership with Master Builders Victoria.

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As one of the best construction safety software platforms in Australia, we place great importance in supporting organisations that drive safety and standards in the building industry – a sector that employs over 300,000 people in Victoria alone.

Since 2023, BuildPass has been a proud member of the Master Builders Victoria (MBV), the state's peak body for the building and construction industry.

Their values align closely with our mission to contribute to a built environment that allows humanity to prosper, as we continue on our quest to build the global operating system for construction sites.

Since coming on-board with Master Builders Victoria over the past twelve months, we’ve been able to participate in some truly awesome and impactful initiatives lead by the organisation.

In October last year, our co-founder and Chief Technology Officer, Aaron Vanston, delivered a keynote address on ‘Enhancing Safety Through Innovation & Technology’ to a packed room of building professionals during one of Master Builders Victoria’s Industry Breakfast events.

Here we also showcased the BuildPass platform to attendees at an interactive stand, which was an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the broad capabilities of our platform, as well as hear some of the challenges facing busy builders that we could support with in future.

The Regional Building Awards run by Master Builders Victoria each year is another terrific initiative we have been proud to be a part of.

During last year’s program, we sponsored awards for the South East, Western and North East regions and presented trophies for these prestigious accolades to winners at each gala event.

Master Builders Victoria's Regional Tradeshow in Bendigo was another insightful partnership opportunity for us, which offered access to a host of local builders and organisations in one of the state’s fastest growing cities.

Here we heard first-hand accounts of how digital was impacting businesses, and what extra support professionals in the area were looking for in their site operations technology to boost productivity and their bottom line.

We’re excited about the prospect of advancing this partnership with Master Builders Victoria further, as our joint efforts will continue to enhance the building and construction sectors, contributing to both safer and more productive work environments.

If you're curious to learn more about the Master Builders Victoria, you can visit their website here.

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